Casa San Antonio Cucul – Mérida, México

These photos are renderings of a project under construction June 2017 (see construction photos below). The home is seeking to become only the second LEED certified residence in México.

Construction Photos

Omni Block being used as a structural wall in a basement condition. There are still some concrete columns per the structural engineer but most of the building is reinforced within the block cells.

Left photo shows the insulation in the block but a vertical PVC water line is contained within the block.
Lower left photo is of the second lift of block. From left to right there are 3/4″ vertical electrical PVC pipes, the PVC water line, Armex and adjacent #5 vertical reinforcing, and a 4″ waste vent all within the wall.
Lower right photo is an overview that shows walls reaching basement ceiling height level with all of the embeds but notice too that there are zero cuts in the block anywhere in the structure. This makes for a much quicker construction time.